Charity concert «Day of caring»

On October 30, 2012, in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow on the initiative of the Fund of assistance to children Dmitry Malikov "Penetrating the heart" was held unusual action in the framework of the concert wishing to be given the opportunity to write a melody, the basic theme of which is the beating of his own heart. This action was all the more symbolic character, which was dedicated to raising funds for the construction of the rehabilitation center for слепоглухих children, world of sounds which consists mainly of the pounding of his own heart and the perceived from the outside vibrations (инфразвуков, ultrasound, the flows of air, the vibration of the floor, etc.). In the framework of the concert of stars of the Russian variety Dmitry Malikov, Mac$them, Irina Dubtsova, the group Reflex. The program was provided by a special presentation of the ensemble Sergeevo-Posad boarding school for blind and deaf children. All collected funds will be spent to Fund construction of a special rehabilitation center. Was also built a dark corridor, which the organizers of the action called "the light corridor" - a design, fully's in black velvet. This installation was created to perfectly healthy people were able to feel as oriented in the space blind deaf children. The company «Arlekino Groups» supports the work of the Fund and provides everything necessary for a concert equipment.